日期:04/07/2010 (星期日)
目标:RM 2000 – RM 2500
排序 | 事项 | 内容 | 负责人 |
1. | 与残障中心合作 | 帮他们卖他们制作的艺术品(布娃娃,吊饰等)
2. | 卖钥匙圈 | (1)许愿瓶
(2)小灯笼形状的钥匙圈(还没想到如何制作) | 价钱调查
3. | 食物 |
| 大家google如何调饮料 |
4. | 与DIGI,HOTLINK等合作 | 全体第五届一起去做promoter赚钱 | 勇豪 |
5. | 睡衣电影会 |
| |
6. | BBQ [待定] |
ermm... wei fen... about the 1st idea... actually we r not going to share half profit wit them... it's juz like we help them to sell their handicrafts n hope tat we can gain some small amount of "commissions"... they get 85% and we get 15% maybe... or as wat yong hao said... we can raise the price of products so tat they can take back full amount of their profits n we can get our own's... i think it wouldnt be unfair to them since they have to sell out their handicarts oso... by the way... its still in the discussion stage... thanks for comment anyway...=D
ReplyDeleteu got ur point oso ^^